
Player Roster

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City Handle Division
Aberdeen Bradley Seaman
Aberdeen Jack Hieb Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 7 - Corlett, Robinson, Hieb, Boehler
Aberdeen Jackie Witlock Senior Women's Match Play, Sr Women Pod 2 -Boehler, Witlock, McInroy, Liesinger
Aberdeen Olivia Braun Women's Match Play, Women Pod 6 -Braun, Meyerink, Palmquist, Larson
Brandon John Grothe Men's Match Play, Men Pod 9 - Zuidema, Steen, Skoudas, Grothe
Brandon Mikael Zuidema Men's Match Play, Men Pod 9 - Zuidema, Steen, Skoudas, Grothe
Brandon Riley Duncanson Men's Match Play, Men Pod 13 - Robel, Duncanson, Olson, Steiner
Brookings Brian Corlett Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 7 - Corlett, Robinson, Hieb, Boehler
Brookings Brodie Hullinger Men's Match Play, Men Pod 11 - Hullinger, Sigmund, Stein, Johnson
Brookings Delilah Fuls Women's Match Play, Women Pod 3 - Tims, Huber, Fuls, Olson
Brookings Jake Steen Men's Match Play, Men Pod 9 - Zuidema, Steen, Skoudas, Grothe
Brookings Kathy Entwistle Senior Women's Match Play, Sr Women Pod 3 - Peacock, Bjorklund, Coker, Entwistle
Brookings Kayde Bartels Men's Match Play, Men Pod 2 - Bartles, Christensen, Schultz, Rang
Brookings Kelly Evans-Hullinger Women's Match Play, Women Pod 2 - Stubbs, Evans-Hullinger, Pearson, McDonald
Brookings Maggie Murphy Women's Match Play, Women Pod 7 - Murphy, Cotton, Pugh, Bartles
Brookings Piper Stubbs Women's Match Play, Women Pod 2 - Stubbs, Evans-Hullinger, Pearson, McDonald
Brookings Rockney Peck Men's Match Play, Men Pod 16 - Swartz, Bothun, Sova, Peck
Brookings Shakira-Ann Kuys Women's Match Play, Women Pod 4 - Kuys, Young, Kolb, Westra
Buffalo Jesse McCann Men's Match Play, Men Pod 4 - Irlbeck, Sarmiento, Dannerbring, McCann
Canton Olivia Sorlie Women's Match Play, Women Pod 1 - Kandolin, Weidenbach, Hurd, Sorlie
Colton Cole Pry Men's Match Play, Men Pod 14 - Pick, Johnson, Olson, Pry
Dakota Dunes Pierce Conley Men's Match Play, Men Pod 8 - Meyerink, Conley, Willadsen, Lenards
Elk Point Ben Irlbeck Men's Match Play, Men Pod 4 - Irlbeck, Sarmiento, Dannerbring, McCann
Flandreau Derek Burshiem Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men POD 4 - Burshiem, Levasseur, Herrick, Maxwell
Fort Pierre Aaron Olson Men's Match Play, Men Pod 12 - Michels, Sonnenschein, Houska, Olson
Fort Pierre Luke Olson Men's Match Play, Men Pod 14 - Pick, Johnson, Olson, Pry
Fort Pierre Sawyer Sonnenschein Men's Match Play, Men Pod 12 - Michels, Sonnenschein, Houska, Olson
Gregory Matt Johnson Men's Match Play, Men Pod 14 - Pick, Johnson, Olson, Pry
Harrisburg Al Hagen Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 5 -Buche, Hagen, Eide, Barnes
Harrisburg Ryan Anema Men's Match Play, Men Pod 6 - Anema, Long, Honner, Vanhecke
Hartford Ari Jacobs Women's Match Play, Women Pod 5 - Mages, Phares, Jacobs, Eidsness
Hartford Doug Murphy Senior Men's Match Play, SR Men Pod 3 - Prue, Beranek, Murphy, Steuerwald
Hartford Lynette Coker Senior Women's Match Play, Sr Women Pod 3 - Peacock, Bjorklund, Coker, Entwistle
Hartford Radley Mauney Men's Match Play, Men Pod 1 - Collins, Mauney, Westra, Swartz
Hartford Taten Mauney Men's Match Play, Men Pod 5 - Olson, Mauney, Klongerbo, Heig
Huron Bryn Huber Women's Match Play, Women Pod 3 - Tims, Huber, Fuls, Olson
Jefferson Greg Barnes Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 5 -Buche, Hagen, Eide, Barnes
Kyle Lance Christensen Men's Match Play, Men Pod 2 - Bartles, Christensen, Schultz, Rang
Madison Richard Fawbush Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 8 - Fawbush, Beardsley, Broek, McEntee
Maple Grove Blake Northagen Men's Match Play, Men Pod 3 -Hoxter, Peterson, Westra, Northagen
Miller Jayce Pugh Women's Match Play, Women Pod 7 - Murphy, Cotton, Pugh, Bartles
Mitchell Allison Meyerink Women's Match Play, Women Pod 6 -Braun, Meyerink, Palmquist, Larson
Mitchell Asher Dannenbring Men's Match Play, Men Pod 4 - Irlbeck, Sarmiento, Dannerbring, McCann
Mitchell Brad Buche Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 5 -Buche, Hagen, Eide, Barnes
Mitchell Brandon Sigmund Men's Match Play, Men Pod 11 - Hullinger, Sigmund, Stein, Johnson
Mitchell Caleb Johnson Men's Match Play, Men Pod 11 - Hullinger, Sigmund, Stein, Johnson
Mitchell Jeff McEntee Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 8 - Fawbush, Beardsley, Broek, McEntee
Mitchell Jeff Meyerink Men's Match Play, Men Pod 8 - Meyerink, Conley, Willadsen, Lenards
Mitchell Mia Larson Women's Match Play, Women Pod 6 -Braun, Meyerink, Palmquist, Larson
Mitchell Russell Pick Men's Match Play, Men Pod 14 - Pick, Johnson, Olson, Pry
Mobridge Daron Brown Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 2 - Koehler, Farah, Lindblad, Brown
Mobridge Rebecca Peacock Senior Women's Match Play, Sr Women Pod 3 - Peacock, Bjorklund, Coker, Entwistle
Pierre Jennifer Stalley Senior Women's Match Play, Sr Women Pod 1 -Raburn, Stalley, Hoiland, Even
Pierre Lincoln Houska Men's Match Play, Men Pod 12 - Michels, Sonnenschein, Houska, Olson
Pierre Nick Bothun Men's Match Play, Men Pod 16 - Swartz, Bothun, Sova, Peck
Presho Chris Long Men's Match Play, Men Pod 6 - Anema, Long, Honner, Vanhecke
Rapid City Alex Kandolin Women's Match Play, Women Pod 1 - Kandolin, Weidenbach, Hurd, Sorlie
Rapid City Bruce Ashland Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 1 - Buntrock, Reynolds, Schmidt, Ashland
Rapid City Cara Boehler Senior Women's Match Play, Sr Women Pod 2 -Boehler, Witlock, McInroy, Liesinger
RAPID CITY Don Robinson Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 7 - Corlett, Robinson, Hieb, Boehler
Rapid City Jackson Swartz Men's Match Play, Men Pod 1 - Collins, Mauney, Westra, Swartz
Rapid City Jakob Cadwallader Men's Match Play, Men Pod 7 - Jacobson, Honner, Cadwallader, Rehorst
Rapid City Jonah Swartz Men's Match Play, Men Pod 16 - Swartz, Bothun, Sova, Peck
Rapid City Kevin Buntrock Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 1 - Buntrock, Reynolds, Schmidt, Ashland
Rapid City Lance Collins Men's Match Play, Men Pod 1 - Collins, Mauney, Westra, Swartz
Rapid City Marna Raburn Senior Women's Match Play, Sr Women Pod 1 -Raburn, Stalley, Hoiland, Even
Rapid City Natalie Young Women's Match Play, Women Pod 4 - Kuys, Young, Kolb, Westra
Rapid City Nicholas Heig Men's Match Play, Men Pod 5 - Olson, Mauney, Klongerbo, Heig
Rapid City Russell Boehler Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 7 - Corlett, Robinson, Hieb, Boehler
Rapid City Steve Beardsley Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 8 - Fawbush, Beardsley, Broek, McEntee
Rapid City Tanna Phares Women's Match Play, Women Pod 5 - Mages, Phares, Jacobs, Eidsness
Rapid City Tyler Rachetto Men's Match Play, Men Pod 15 - Rachetto, Scott, Schwan, Kray
Sioux City Sam Prue Senior Men's Match Play, SR Men Pod 3 - Prue, Beranek, Murphy, Steuerwald
Sioux falls Abbie Westra Women's Match Play, Women Pod 4 - Kuys, Young, Kolb, Westra
Sioux Falls Alex Westra Men's Match Play, Men Pod 3 -Hoxter, Peterson, Westra, Northagen
Sioux Falls Carter Peterson Men's Match Play, Men Pod 3 -Hoxter, Peterson, Westra, Northagen
Sioux Falls Charlie Jacobson Men's Match Play, Men Pod 7 - Jacobson, Honner, Cadwallader, Rehorst
Sioux Falls Chuck Eide Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 5 -Buche, Hagen, Eide, Barnes
Sioux Falls Cory Willadsen Men's Match Play, Men Pod 8 - Meyerink, Conley, Willadsen, Lenards
Sioux Falls Daniel Sova Men's Match Play, Men Pod 16 - Swartz, Bothun, Sova, Peck
Sioux Falls Dave Beranek Senior Men's Match Play, SR Men Pod 3 - Prue, Beranek, Murphy, Steuerwald
Sioux Falls Dawn McInroy Senior Women's Match Play, Sr Women Pod 2 -Boehler, Witlock, McInroy, Liesinger
Sioux Falls Emily Kolb Women's Match Play, Women Pod 4 - Kuys, Young, Kolb, Westra
Sioux Falls Erin Hurd Women's Match Play, Women Pod 1 - Kandolin, Weidenbach, Hurd, Sorlie
Sioux Falls Gene Levasseur Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men POD 4 - Burshiem, Levasseur, Herrick, Maxwell
Sioux Falls Glen Herrick Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men POD 4 - Burshiem, Levasseur, Herrick, Maxwell
Sioux Falls Gunar Rang Men's Match Play, Men Pod 2 - Bartles, Christensen, Schultz, Rang
Sioux Falls Hayden Scott Men's Match Play, Men Pod 15 - Rachetto, Scott, Schwan, Kray
Sioux Falls Isaac Schwan Men's Match Play, Men Pod 15 - Rachetto, Scott, Schwan, Kray
Sioux Falls J.R. Fieldsend Men's Match Play, Men Pod 10 - Trasamar, Mahowald, Fieldsend, Chandler
Sioux Falls Jack Kray Men's Match Play, Men Pod 15 - Rachetto, Scott, Schwan, Kray
Sioux Falls Jackson Skuodas Men's Match Play, Men Pod 9 - Zuidema, Steen, Skoudas, Grothe
Sioux Falls Jeffrey Young Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 6 -Strandell, Dewit, Hardie, Young
Sioux Falls Julean Michels Men's Match Play, Men Pod 12 - Michels, Sonnenschein, Houska, Olson
Sioux Falls Justin Robel Men's Match Play, Men Pod 13 - Robel, Duncanson, Olson, Steiner
Sioux Falls Karla Cotton Women's Match Play, Women Pod 7 - Murphy, Cotton, Pugh, Bartles
Sioux Falls Lauren Tims Women's Match Play, Women Pod 3 - Tims, Huber, Fuls, Olson
Sioux Falls Liam Sarmiento Men's Match Play, Men Pod 4 - Irlbeck, Sarmiento, Dannerbring, McCann
SIOUX FALLS Luke Honner Men's Match Play, Men Pod 7 - Jacobson, Honner, Cadwallader, Rehorst
sioux falls Macee Bartels Women's Match Play, Women Pod 7 - Murphy, Cotton, Pugh, Bartles
Sioux Falls Mattie Weidenbach Women's Match Play, Women Pod 1 - Kandolin, Weidenbach, Hurd, Sorlie
Sioux Falls Max Honner Men's Match Play, Men Pod 6 - Anema, Long, Honner, Vanhecke
Sioux Falls McKenzie Mages Women's Match Play, Women Pod 5 - Mages, Phares, Jacobs, Eidsness
Sioux Falls Michael Hoxter Men's Match Play, Men Pod 3 -Hoxter, Peterson, Westra, Northagen
Sioux Falls Nick Mahowald Men's Match Play, Men Pod 10 - Trasamar, Mahowald, Fieldsend, Chandler
Sioux Falls Pam Hoiland Senior Women's Match Play, Sr Women Pod 1 -Raburn, Stalley, Hoiland, Even
Sioux Falls Parker Schultz Men's Match Play, Men Pod 2 - Bartles, Christensen, Schultz, Rang
Sioux Falls Peg Even Senior Women's Match Play, Sr Women Pod 1 -Raburn, Stalley, Hoiland, Even
Sioux Falls Pete Schmidt Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 1 - Buntrock, Reynolds, Schmidt, Ashland
Sioux Falls Rick Steuerwald Senior Men's Match Play, SR Men Pod 3 - Prue, Beranek, Murphy, Steuerwald
Sioux Falls Rob Dewit Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 6 -Strandell, Dewit, Hardie, Young
Sioux Falls Robert Maxwell Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men POD 4 - Burshiem, Levasseur, Herrick, Maxwell
Sioux Falls Ryan Trasamar Men's Match Play, Men Pod 10 - Trasamar, Mahowald, Fieldsend, Chandler
Sioux Falls Sam Olson Men's Match Play, Men Pod 13 - Robel, Duncanson, Olson, Steiner
Sioux Falls Sean Farah Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 2 - Koehler, Farah, Lindblad, Brown
Sioux Falls Steve Steiner Men's Match Play, Men Pod 13 - Robel, Duncanson, Olson, Steiner
Sioux Falls Thom Koehler Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 2 - Koehler, Farah, Lindblad, Brown
Sioux Falls Tom Reynolds Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 1 - Buntrock, Reynolds, Schmidt, Ashland
Sioux Falls Troy Klongerbo Men's Match Play, Men Pod 5 - Olson, Mauney, Klongerbo, Heig
Sioux Falls Tyler Westra Men's Match Play, Men Pod 1 - Collins, Mauney, Westra, Swartz
Spearfish Cole Rehorst Men's Match Play, Men Pod 7 - Jacobson, Honner, Cadwallader, Rehorst
Vermillion Adam Chandler Men's Match Play, Men Pod 10 - Trasamar, Mahowald, Fieldsend, Chandler
Volga Vonda Bjorklund Senior Women's Match Play, Sr Women Pod 3 - Peacock, Bjorklund, Coker, Entwistle
Wallace Jack Lindblad Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 2 - Koehler, Farah, Lindblad, Brown
watertown Avery Palmquist Women's Match Play, Women Pod 6 -Braun, Meyerink, Palmquist, Larson
Watertown Duane Broek Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 8 - Fawbush, Beardsley, Broek, McEntee
Watertown Gabi Olson Women's Match Play, Women Pod 3 - Tims, Huber, Fuls, Olson
Watertown Jake Olson Men's Match Play, Men Pod 5 - Olson, Mauney, Klongerbo, Heig
Watertown Michael Strandell Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 6 -Strandell, Dewit, Hardie, Young
Watertown Scott Hardie Senior Men's Match Play, Sr Men Pod 6 -Strandell, Dewit, Hardie, Young
Watertown Shelby Pearson Women's Match Play, Women Pod 2 - Stubbs, Evans-Hullinger, Pearson, McDonald
Watertown Stuart Stein Men's Match Play, Men Pod 11 - Hullinger, Sigmund, Stein, Johnson
Watertown Ty Lenards Men's Match Play, Men Pod 8 - Meyerink, Conley, Willadsen, Lenards
Watertown Tyler VanHecke Men's Match Play, Men Pod 6 - Anema, Long, Honner, Vanhecke
Wentworth Jadyn McDonald Women's Match Play, Women Pod 2 - Stubbs, Evans-Hullinger, Pearson, McDonald
Wentworth Tara Liesinger Senior Women's Match Play, Sr Women Pod 2 -Boehler, Witlock, McInroy, Liesinger
Yankton Jillian Eidsness Women's Match Play, Women Pod 5 - Mages, Phares, Jacobs, Eidsness
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